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Studies and training


We conduct Postgraduate Studies in cooperation with the Medical University of Lodz, entitled. “Modern Research Projects -Methodology, Conduct and Supervision of Clinical Trials”.

We educate for the positions of: Clinical Trial Assistant/Coordinator (Clinical Trial Assistant/Coordinator), and Clinical Research Associate (Clinical Research Monitor).

The study is under the auspices of the GCPpl Association.


The foundation of effective action is knowledge. Scientia is eager to share its expertise to support global medical progress.

We have trained more than 500 people in the area of clinical research.
We provide training in-house, on contract and in cooperation with the Medical Research Agency. The scope of our trainings covers 30 different topics in the research area.

Our flagship trainings are Conducting Clinical Trials” and Monitoring Clinical Trials. We guarantee the high quality of knowledge transferred and practical preparation for conducting research.